3 min read
How to Lock in Profits for Soybean Processing Plants
Use these three skills to overcome the merchandising challenges that hit your profit margin.
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Use these three skills to overcome the merchandising challenges that hit your profit margin.
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Weighing the Market's Needs with Those of Your Business
1 min read
Prior to a harvest, spreads for an upcoming crop year reflect the market’s emotions about that year. After harvest, spreads reflect the market’s...
4 min read
During volatile times, remember the basics of grain trading.
1 min read
Volatility has a lot of side effects on the mentality of a basis trader. Maybe the most dangerous is an aversion to being wrong – and when price,...
3 min read
What are the keys to creating a successful practice as a grain merchandiser?
3 min read
Market conditions may be out of a merchandiser's control, but steps can be made to tip the scales in their favor. I believe merchandising grain and...
1 min read
Unmet expectations are the springboard for all kinds of human problems. When things don't go as expected, the likelihood of becoming irrational or...
1 min read
The country elevator is in an enviable position to serve as a price neutral conduit for grain from producers to end users. In order for this to work,...
2 min read
A good basis trader will spend an entire career refining his/her basis trading knowledge and skills. However, every principle of basis trading is...