Those who mechanically extrude soybeans or think they might
Do you find it difficult to track soybean, meal, and oil positions? Do you capture crush opportunities for each delivery period? Do you financially account for all your positions?
If so, we have the support you're looking for.
WCC's resources will:
- Establish effective routines and processes
- Track soybean positions and spreads for input
- Project profit margins from soybean crush opportunities
- Translate these processes to financials
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Fill out the form below or give us a call at 888.546.9555
Fill out this form to find out about our resources for Soybean Processors.
Introduction to Managing the Crush Spread
In this video, Dwayne Wilson, Merchandising Specialist, explains how to capture crush margin by managing basis risk/opportunity, soybean spreads, and crush spreads.
An Overview for Extruders.
While the mechanical extraction method offers advantages for feed production, it also presents unique merchandising hurdles that pose difficulties for many professionals in the industry. Dive into our BLOG post below to discover insights into these hurdles and strategies for navigating them successfully.
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Let's discuss your needs further.