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Basis Trading

1 min read

What Are “Basis Eyes” and Why Are They So Important?

There are several different ways to say it, but at the core having basis eyes means

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1 min read

Keep Your Long Futures in the Nearby and Your Short Futures in the Deferred

Old Advice for Current Times I first heard this maxim about 25 years ago, and it wasn't new then. The person who shared it with me learned from an...

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normal to new normal image

3 min read

Use Old Skills and a New Approach to Navigate Volatile Markets

The volatility in production, futures prices, basis, and spreads of the last few years have caused many of us to abandon the idea of a “normal”...

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4 min read

Merchandising:  What's the Worst that Could Happen?

As the season of fall harvest planning is upon us, let us take a moment to review the idea, and the reality, of the importance of having a grain flow...

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Tree Transition Between Summer and Fall

4 min read

4 Grain Market Indicators to Watch

Knowing your grain company is key to navigating the change between carry and inverted markets Differing views on how to define transitions exist....

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scale balancing market needs with business needs

1 min read

Balancing Act

Weighing the Market's Needs with Those of Your Business

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Taking Control of Grain Merchandising Blog image

3 min read

Taking Control of Grain Merchandising

Market conditions may be out of a merchandiser's control, but steps can be made to tip the scales in their favor. I believe merchandising grain and...

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1 min read

Watch Those Emotions: When Markets Get Weird, Get Calm.

Unmet expectations are the springboard for all kinds of human problems. When things don't go as expected, the likelihood of becoming irrational or...

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1 min read

Focus Your Energy Where Your Margins Come From

The country elevator is in an enviable position to serve as a price neutral conduit for grain from producers to end users. In order for this to work,...

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2 min read

Basis Trading Starts with Balance

A good basis trader will spend an entire career refining his/her basis trading knowledge and skills. However, every principle of basis trading is...

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