4 min read
Merchandising: What's the Worst that Could Happen?
As the season of fall harvest planning is upon us, let us take a moment to review the idea, and the reality, of the importance of having a grain flow...
4 min read
As the season of fall harvest planning is upon us, let us take a moment to review the idea, and the reality, of the importance of having a grain flow...
1 min read
The process of Mark-to-Market accounting for Canadian grain elevators basically looks like this: Develop the routine of tracking data on the six...
3 min read
Historical business truths typically come from very simple concepts. “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get” (Warren Buffet). “A penny saved...
2 min read
The end of summer brings thoughts of planning and profitability. Grain companies that buy grain from producers and sell it immediately to users of...
1 min read
“Trust but verify” is a Russian proverb Ronald Reagan made famous, but risk managers, CFO’s and grain company lenders live by it today.
4 min read
This week's blog will answer some frequently asked questions regarding some alternative grain company financing tools. For a general overview of...
1 min read
Volatile prices and the difficulty accessing credit during peak financing periods opened the market to provide commodity futures swaps as a method of...
1 min read
Volatile prices mixed with a need to build working capital and equity pushed inventory repurchase agreements into the grain elevator financing and...
1 min read
Forward contract financing has become an essential piece of the grain elevator financing package. The modern day elevator must be able to help...
1 min read
Where much is given, much is required and this is certainly true with collateral audits. The increased grain elevator financing requirements have...