Experience & Proven Success

There was a time when the local elevator was looked to primarily as a place to store grain, but over the years as the grain business has grown and matured, its value to the marketplace has become much more than the physical handling of the bushels. The local elevator is looked to for its ability to satisfy the unique and diverse needs of its customers, those customers being both the producers and the users of the grain. Accomplishing this, however, takes special skills.
Our founder, Don White, recognized the need for training and support at the country grain elevator level. In 1971 he focused his futures brokerage company exclusively for the purpose of helping commercial grain elevator businesses explore, grow and thrive in their local communities.
For almost 50 years we have helped country elevators and feed mills build skills that focus on serving their customers while at the same time capturing their margins from the basis. We teach our customers how to identify and act on basis opportunities, plan for the best use of space, money and bushels and create value for their customers. A simple, disciplined, profitable and proven approach to the grain business has always been and will always be our focus.
At White Commercial we believe in the necessity, value and permanence of the country elevator, and it is our goal to help you become strong and more successful -- that's all we do.
Don White | Founder