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blog image - special requests

1 min read

Dealing with Special Requests from Your Farmer Customers

How many times has a farmer come into your office and told you about some "great, new marketing alternative" that the guy down the street is offering... and wants to know why you're not? This has probably happened more times than you care to...

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blog version harvest trucks

2 min read

The Consequences of Paying Too Much At Harvest

Competition is the driving forces that determines a fair and equitable price. For the most part, your cash price to producers is based on your best...

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blog image contract guidelines

1 min read

5 Guidelines for Great Grain Contract Offerings

With so many different types of marketing alternatives available to farmers in the marketplace, how do you, at the grain elevator, decide on which...

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blog image waste of space

5 min read

3 Opportunities for Grain Elevators that Manage Their Space Well

Cambridge dictionary defines waste of space as “a person or thing that is not useful or helpful.” In the grain storage business, it is our...

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4 min read

The Best Way for Farmers and Grain Elevators to "sell the carry"

A common refrain throughout my time and travels in the grain business is the concept of “selling the carry.” This is roundly regarded as a good thing...

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4 min read

Positive Grain Marketing Services

Farmers require two things from grain elevators to be able to market their crops successfully. They need access to the market and the means to...

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4 min read

Tell Your Story Before Someone Else Does

Explain how you're the middle man, but everyone still wins.

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1 min read

The Process of Canadian Mark-to-Market Grain Accounting

The process of Mark-to-Market accounting for Canadian grain elevators basically looks like this: Develop the routine of tracking data on the six...

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3 min read

Six Essential Reports: Accurate Mark-to-Market Accounting for Canadian Grain Elevators

Historical business truths typically come from very simple concepts. “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get” (Warren Buffet). “A penny saved...

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3 min read

Top 4 Things Every Elevator Needs in order to Capture the Next Great Opportunity

One thing that we all know for sure is that we are now officially one day closer to the next big “opportunity”. Some call it a “big rally" and some...

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