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2 min read

How's Your Merchandising Scorecard Looking?

Preparing monthly financial statements is typically done so you can get the proper financing for your merchandising activities; but there are also good reasons for doing them other than for your banker’s sake. Monthly financial statements can be...

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3 min read

5 Tips for Merchandising Success in a No-Carry Year

Grain companies can still see profitability in a tough economic environment.

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winter scene

2 min read

Winterizing Your Marketing Conversations

Winter is in many ways the middle of the marketing process for producers. Sales to make space at harvest and generate necessary cash flow have...

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normal to new normal image

3 min read

Use Old Skills and a New Approach to Navigate Volatile Markets

The volatility in production, futures prices, basis, and spreads of the last few years have caused many of us to abandon the idea of a “normal”...

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1 min read

5 Keys for Survival in a Flat or Inverted Spread Environment

Most merchandisers don’t enjoy trading markets with small carries and/or inverted spreads, but by all appearances, that is what the market is going...

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1 min read

Is the Grain Elevator Business Model Broken?

Let Me Give Away the Ending: No Despite years of articles predicting the irrelevance of the country elevator, it continues to be an important part of...

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4 min read

Merchandising:  What's the Worst that Could Happen?

As the season of fall harvest planning is upon us, let us take a moment to review the idea, and the reality, of the importance of having a grain flow...

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1 min read

You Can't Merchandise Your Way Out of Overpaying...

Grain elevator managers and merchandisers make many daily decisions that include selecting grain policies, buying grain, managing spreads, and...

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Tree Transition Between Summer and Fall

4 min read

4 Grain Market Indicators to Watch

Knowing your grain company is key to navigating the change between carry and inverted markets Differing views on how to define transitions exist....

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Words Focus, Structure, Discipline

2 min read

5 Disciplines of Merchandising that Stand the Test of Time

When you see what appear to be good, well-established, long-standing companies suddenly fall apart it makes you wonder. How do good businesses go...

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