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6 Rules for Staying in Control of Your Lending Relationship and Your Grain Business

Have reliable monthly numbers from a repeatable process Understand what is important on your financial statements Create and revise your grain/cash flow plan Train banking staff every year - no exceptions Work with only one bank for the operating...

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Bull and Bear

1 min read

When the Market Gets Volatile, Get Disciplined

Wild markets stir up emotions in even the most seasoned of grain merchandisers. When margin calls are coming fast and frequently, and there are...

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3 win-win-win circles intersecting in the middle

1 min read

A golden opportunity for grain businesses to create a win/win/win

High futures prices are offering an opportunity for growers and buyers of grain to achieve above average margins.

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3 min read

How to Lock in Profits for Soybean Processing Plants

Use these three skills to overcome the merchandising challenges that hit your profit margin.

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scale balancing market needs with business needs

1 min read

Balancing Act

Weighing the Market's Needs with Those of Your Business

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1 min read

Spreads Know

Prior to a harvest, spreads for an upcoming crop year reflect the market’s emotions about that year. After harvest, spreads reflect the market’s...

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Basketball Hoop

4 min read

Game Time Perspective

During volatile times, remember the basics of grain trading.

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1 min read

When Being Right is the Wrong Focus

Volatility has a lot of side effects on the mentality of a basis trader. Maybe the most dangerous is an aversion to being wrong – and when price,...

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Sets of Keys

3 min read

The Merchant's Secret

What are the keys to creating a successful practice as a grain merchandiser?

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Taking Control of Grain Merchandising Blog image

3 min read

Taking Control of Grain Merchandising

Market conditions may be out of a merchandiser's control, but steps can be made to tip the scales in their favor. I believe merchandising grain and...

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